I. Điều kiện ứng tuyển
- Ứng viên phải là công dân không mang quốc tịch Trung Quốc và có hộ chiếu hợp lệ, đồng thời đáp ứng các điều kiện được quy định trong Văn bản số 12 (2020) của Bộ Giáo dục Trung Quốc.
- Ứng viên phải có bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông và dưới 25 tuổi. Nếu ứng viên chưa đủ 18 tuổi tính đến ngày 1/9/2025, cần nộp giấy chứng nhận giám hộ gốc do Văn phòng Công chứng Quận Thiên Tân cấp. Người giám hộ phải là cư dân thường trú tại Thiên Tân.
- Yêu cầu về trình độ ngôn ngữ:
- Chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Trung:
- Ứng viên cần nộp chứng chỉ HSK:
- HSK4 (tối thiểu 180 điểm) đối với các chương trình thuộc Trường Giáo dục Quốc tế.
- HSK5 (tối thiểu 180 điểm) đối với các chương trình khác.
- Ứng viên có tiếng mẹ đẻ là tiếng Trung hoặc đã hoàn thành chương trình trung học bằng tiếng Trung được miễn yêu cầu này.
- Ứng viên cần nộp chứng chỉ HSK:
- Chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh:
- Ứng viên cần nộp chứng chỉ năng lực tiếng Anh (người bản ngữ tiếng Anh được miễn).
- TOEFL: tối thiểu 80 điểm
- IELTS: tối thiểu 6.0
- Chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Trung:
- Ứng viên phải có phẩm chất đạo đức tốt, sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần tốt, đồng thời sẵn sàng tuân thủ pháp luật và các quy định của Trung Quốc cũng như Đại học Thiên Tân.
II. Danh mục chương trình học
📌 Cuối bài viết.
专业名称 | 专业英文名 | 一级门类 | 所属学院 | 所属学院英文名 | 学制 | 学生类别 | 学生类别英文名 | 授课语言中文 | 授课语言英文名 | 学费 | 报名费 |
材料科学与工程 | Materials Science and Engineering | 工学 | 材料科学与工程学院 | School of Materials Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
材料成型及控制工程 | Materials Forming and Control Engineering | 工学 | 材料科学与工程学院 | School of Materials Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
功能材料 | Functional Materials | 工学 | 材料科学与工程学院 | School of Materials Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
地理科学 | Geographical Science | 理学 | 地球系统科学学院 | School of Earth System Science | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
智能电网信息工程 | Smart Grid Information Engineering | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
电气工程及其自动化 | Electrical Engineering and Automation | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
自动化 | Automation | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
电子信息工程 | Electronic Information Engineering | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
物联网工程 | Internet of Things Engineering | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
通信工程 | Communication Engineering | 工学 | 电气自动化与信息工程学院 | School of Electrical and Information Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
法学 | Law | 法学 | 法学院 | Law School | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
信息管理与信息系统 | Information Management and Information System | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
工业工程 | Industrial Engineering | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
工程管理 | Construction Management | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
工商管理 | Business Administration | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
财务管理 | Financial Management | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
电子商务 | Electronic Commerce | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
供应链管理 | Supply Chain Management | 管理学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
金融学 | Finance | 经济学 | 管理与经济学部 | College of Management and Economics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
汉语言+跨境电商微专业 | Chinese Language (Cross-border Ecommerce Direction) | 文学 | 国际教育学院 | School of International Education | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
汉语言(商务汉语方向) | Chinese Language (Business Chinese Direction) | 文学 | 国际教育学院 | School of International Education | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
汉语言 | Chinese (For International Students) | 文学 | 国际教育学院 | School of International Education | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
海洋科学 | Marine Science | 理学 | 海洋科学与技术学院 | School of Marine Science and Technology | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
海洋技术 | Marine Technology | 工学 | 海洋科学与技术学院 | School of Marine Science and Technology | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
精细化工 | Fine Chemical Engineering | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
合成生物学 | Synthetic Biology | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
化学工程与工艺 | Chemical Engineering and Technology | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
化学工程与工艺 | Chemical Engineering and Technology | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 英文 | English | 20000 | 420 |
过程装备与控制工程 | Processing Equipment and Control Engineering | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
食品科学与工程 | Food Science and Engineering | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
生物工程 | Biological Engineering | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
制药工程 | Pharmaceutical Engineering | 工学 | 化工学院 | School of Chemical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
建筑环境与能源应用工程 | Building Environment & Energy Application Engineering | 工学 | 环境科学与工程学院 | School of Environmental Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
环境科学 | Environmental Science | 理学 | 环境科学与工程学院 | School of Environmental Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
环境工程 | Environmental Engineering | 工学 | 环境科学与工程学院 | School of Environmental Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
环境工程 | Environmental Engineering | 工学 | 环境科学与工程学院 | School of Environmental Science and Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 英文 | English | 20000 | 420 |
机械设计制造及其自动化 | Mechanical Design, Manufacture& Automation | 工学 | 机械工程学院 | School of Mechanical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
能源与动力工程 | Energy and Power Engineering | 工学 | 机械工程学院 | School of Mechanical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
工程力学 | Engineering Mechanics | 工学 | 机械工程学院 | School of Mechanical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
工业设计 | Industrial Design | 工学 | 机械工程学院 | School of Mechanical Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering | 工学 | 建筑工程学院 | School of Civil Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
水利工程 | Hydraulic Engineering | 工学 | 建筑工程学院 | School of Civil Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
港口航道与海岸工程 | Port, Channel and Coast Engineering | 工学 | 建筑工程学院 | School of Civil Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
船舶与海洋工程 | Naval and Ocean Engineering | 工学 | 建筑工程学院 | School of Civil Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
城乡规划 | Urban and Rural Planning | 工学 | 建筑学院 | School of Architecture | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 26000 | 420 |
风景园林 | landscape Architecture | 工学 | 建筑学院 | School of Architecture | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 26000 | 420 |
建筑学 | Architecture | 工学 | 建筑学院 | School of Architecture | 5Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 26000 | 420 |
教育学 | Education | 教育学 | 教育学院 | School of Education | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
智能感知工程 | Intelligent perception engineering | 工学 | 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 | School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
测控技术与仪器 | Measuring & Controlling Technologies & Instruments | 工学 | 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 | School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
电子科学与技术 | Electronic Science and Technology | 工学 | 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 | School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
光电信息科学与工程 | Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering | 工学 | 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 | School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
应用化学 | Applied Chemistry | 理学 | 理学院 | School of Science | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
应用物理学 | Applied Physics | 理学 | 理学院 | School of Science | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
汉语言文学 | Chinese language & Literature | 文学 | 人文艺术学院 | School of Humanities and Arts | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
生物科学 | Biological Science | 理学 | 生命科学学院 | School of Life Sciences | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
数据科学与大数据技术 | Data Science and Big Data Technology | 理学 | 数学学院 | School of Mathematics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
金融数学 | Financial Mathematics | 经济学 | 数学学院 | School of Mathematics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
数学与应用数学 | Mathematics and Applied Mathematics | 理学 | 数学学院 | School of Mathematics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
集成电路设计与集成系统 | Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated System | 工学 | 微电子学院 | School of Microelectronics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
电子科学与技术(微电子) | Electronic Science and Technology | 工学 | 微电子学院 | School of Microelectronics | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
药学 | Pharmaceutical Science | 医学 | 药物科学与技术学院 | School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 英文 | English | 20000 | 420 |
智能医学工程 | Intelligent Medical Engineering | 工学 | 医学部 | Medical College | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering | 工学 | 医学部 | Medical College | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
软件工程 | Software Engineering | 工学 | 智能与计算学部 | College of Intelligence and Computing | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 26000 | 420 |
人工智能 | Artificial Intelligence | 工学 | 智能与计算学部 | College of Intelligence and Computing | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |
计算机科学与技术 | Computer Science and Technology | 工学 | 智能与计算学部 | College of Intelligence and Computing | 4Y | 本科生 | Bachelor’s Degree | 中文 | Chinese | 16600 | 420 |