1. Lund University Global Scholarship Programme
2. Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals
3. Uppsala University Global Scholarships
4. Mälardalen University Scholarship Programme
5. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Tuition Fee Waiver for Non-EU Students
6. The Karolinska Institutet Global Master’s Scholarships
7. Mid Sweden University Tuition Fee Scholarships
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– Website: https://hannahed.co/
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– Scholarship Hunters.
– Học bổng ngắn hạn, trao đổi, tình nguyện – HannahEd.
– English Club HEC.
– Job Hunters & Career Builders – HannahEd.
– Học bổng Chevening UK và IDEAS Ireland.
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Youtube HannahEd có nhiều video phân tích học bổng từ ngắn hạn tới cấp 3, Đại học, Thạc sỹ, Phd, Việc làm (Facebook office tour..vv): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLoijCMPyDi3U8tw9-K_EQ…
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